Publications / LinkeInd

On the liability of statements and their implications

On the liability of statements and their implications

Written by Lázaro Paulo Escanhoela Júnior . 14 . 02 . 2022 Published in LinkeInd

Speaking and acting responsibly has always been a criterion of prudence, requiring redoubled care when the image of the person speaking or acting can be associated or confused with some business activity, or with the company itself in which it eventually participates.

Any carelessness can lead to serious consequences, to the personal image of the person speaking out, or, in a broader scope, to that of the company.

At present, any and all facts have repercussions in real time; depending on the intensity and repercussion of any slip in speaking or acting, the damage can be felt immediately.

Indemnities may be claimed; criminal liability may be imputed.

That’s why you need to be careful, after all and as the old saying goes, we have two ears and one mouth, to listen more and talk less.

This is a golden rule and one that well applied would save personal, business and everyone who, in one way or another, speak and act today.

Lázaro Paulo Escanhoela Junior