
Business Anti-Corruption Law

When? - On 29/05/2014
Business Anti-Corruption Law

Unfortunately, the fight against corruption in Brazil is marked by a long history of disappointments. The Penal Code and several sparse laws sought to contain this scourge that shames the nation, but, despite the legal instruments, very little was seen in terms of effective accountability.

While the culture of honesty is not assimilated on Brazilian soil, the resolution through normativity has been trodden. This was so once again, under the impact of great popular dissatisfaction (after the June 2013 demonstrations) with the advent of Law 12,846/13 (Anti-Corruption Law), which came into force on January 29, 2014 and which provides for the administrative and civil liability of the legal entity for the practice of acts against the public administration, national or foreign.

Also participate in this lecture (29/05/2014, at 08:30) which will address a topic of paramount importance for companies, registration must be made through the website, at the link Events, until the day 05/27/2014. Spaces are limited. The lectures promoted by Escanhoela Advogados Associados are aimed at law students and professionals to promote knowledge to all those seeking to improve in the area.

Speaker: Rodrigo Gomes Monteiro

  • Graduated in Law from the University of Sorocaba in 2001, enrolled in the OAB/SP under number 197.170, with the following experience in the legal area: • Intern at the Attorney General’s Office of the State of São Paulo, at the Public Ministry of the State of São Paulo and at the Escanhoela Office; • Lawyer at Escanhoela Advogados Associados since March 2002; • Specialist in Criminal Law from Escola Paulista da Magistratura; • Professor of the Trimphus course in 2006; • University professor at UNIP until 2011 and at Uniso since 2012; • Guest professor at the Sorocaba Law School; • President of the Electoral Law Commission of the OAB de Sorocaba; and • Effective member of the São Paulo Electoral Law Commission.