
Advocacy and Oral Support in Courts

When? - On 25/04/2013
Advocacy and Oral Support in Courts

In the second lecture of the year held by Escanhoela Advogados Associados, the theme will be addressed to lawyers and law students, addressing the practice of law and oral arguments in the Courts. It will take place on 25/04/2013, at 08:30, at the headquarters of Escanhoela Advogados Associados.

Entries must be made through the website, on the Events link, until 04/22/2013. Spaces are limited. The lectures promoted by Escanhoela Advogados Associados seek to discuss current issues in the legal area. Aimed at promoting knowledge for those who wish to update themselves on legal issues.

Speaker: Belisario dos Santos Júnior

  • Graduated in Law and Master in Criminal Legislation from the Faculty of Law of USP • Specialized in Administrative Law from PUC-SP and Interdisciplinary Course in Human Rights from the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights of Costa Rica • Secretary of Justice and Defense of Citizenship of the state of São Paulo • President of the Board of Trustees of the Land Institute Foundation of the State of São Paulo • Coordinator of the Public Service User Defense Program in the Government of the State of São Paulo • Creator and Coordinator of the Human Rights Program of the State of São Paulo • Secretary of the Penitentiary Administration of the State of São Paulo • Assistant Municipal Prosecutor, Advisor to the Advisory Board and Head of IPESP’s Cabinet • Participation in several Councils and Missions in Human Rights • Militant lawyer since 1970 and currently he is the titular partner of the Rubens office Naves – Santos Júnior Advogados.